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Constructed Landscape

The First Project

This is an individual task and it is our first project. We had to choose one of the options given (I chose the urban parks). We have to do research on one local case study and one international case study. We are to present it in two A3 boards. 

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For this particular assignment, I had to do a lot of research based on books about the two case study. I learned on how to find books in the library as I have never been to the library to search for books. 

TGC logoAs this is an individual work, I had to work on my own and learn how to put things together to make it easy for people to understand and easier for the lecturers to give marks. This assignment requires us to explain everything with pictures and not much of the words. 

The Sustainable Landscape

For this second project, we are asked to choose two case studies based on the list given by our lecturers. I have chosen Barcelona and Bukit Bintang for the case study. Basically we had to talk about the cities, all about the sustainable ideas, greens and all of the stuff related to it. By using all the information gained, we had to do an 8-pages pamphlet which is an A4 size. 

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Seventh Page
Eighth Page
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I did research on both of these cities and I found a lot of helpful stuff that I needed for this project. As well as the information I need for my self understanding. I also learned things that I do not know for the city of Barcelona as well as Bukit Bintang. 

TGC logoAt first I do not know on how to do this project but with the help of my small team members, I can finally finish this project with knowing what is it about and how to do it well. 

The Landscape Project

For this last assignment, we have been divided into groups of six. We have to select a 10mx10m site in the Taylor's University Lakeside Campus compound to build a landscape project. We have to propose the plan and we had to plan well so that the landscape benefits the students as well as the lecturers. 

We had to do the concept planning, the master plan, planting plan, costings and also the maintenance plan. We have to gather all these things and put it in two A2 presentation boards and also a report on our planning. 

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For this project, communication between each members are very important. Each one of us has to come up with at least one idea to help finish this project. The ideas must be suitable for the concept that the team leader has chosen. 

TGC logoWe refer on books on how to do the planting plan, the symbols of trees and also how to build a perfect landscape. Our landscape is all about relaxing and gives calmness to the students and also lecturers. This planning should benefits everyone and also the planners. 

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