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Intro to Drawing

Assignment #1 : Types of Drawings 

In this particular project, we are divided into groups of six. We are tasked to do a presentation on Landscape Architecture Drawings. We have to do a full research on this as we are not familiar with the things that a Landscape Architect would do. 

Below are the video presentation of our group by Clement Chen:

TGC logo

For this project, I have learnt a lot of new thing for example the types of drawings a Landscape Architect produced, what they actually do and understands the procedure of selecting the drawings.

TGC logoThrough this project, we learn on how to produce a better slides to ensure that others can read and understand what we are presenting. Besides than that, as a group, we divide the task to every member and compile it the day before the presentation. So we have to really make sure that everyone's slide can be blend in together with the other group members. 

TGC logoThroughout this project, we have to listen to our group leader on how he/she wants to do it and gives opinion on it. We also have to have the teamwork spirit to get this project done. 

Assignment #2 : Orthographic Drawings

For this assignment, we have to produce orthographic drawings on two objects. We can choose our own object as long as it is not smaller than A5 paper and not bigger than A4. 

This project requires us to do a plan, section and elevation drawing. As well as a detail drawing. 

TGC logoFor this project, I have learn so many basic things on drawing things. Measurements makes everything complete too. Without measurements, drawings will be just a sketch and a sketch is not valid if you want to invent or make something.

TGC logoI have learnt so many basic things on how to draw certain things. This is a long term learning as I may use it in the future in this architecture field. Those basic also helps on producing a better drawings, elevation, section and so on. 

Assignment #3 : 2-D Architectural Drawings 

For this project, we are given a specific site by our selected tutors. My tutor was Ms Sufina Abu Bakar. She guide us throughout this whole project. We had to do Key Plan, Location Plan, Site Plan. Then we need to do floor plan, section & elevation drawing. As well as a detailed drawing just like the second assignment. 

Below are the boards of my work for this particular assignment: 

First Board
Second Board

TGC logoFor this assignment, I got to learn a lot about the types of drawings and how to do it during every tutorial class. Our tutor has guided us very well on this project. By that, I had learn so much in order to be better and to give better in the future. Besides than just that, we also have to be discipline as we have to submit our progress every week and will be given marks only if we send the 

TGC logoBy doing this project, I had learn a lot of ways to solve problems in drawings. Besides than that, one mistake can ruin almost everything especially the scales of these drawings, the measurements and so on.



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