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Elements in Natural & Built Environment

Our Site Trip 

After two weeks of entering my selected course, we have been asked to go for a site trip to D'Ark Training & Resort, Janda Baik, Pahang for our ENBE project. It is a 3 days 2 nights trip and it is leaded by three amazing lecturers, Ms Delliya Zain, Ms Sufina Abu Bakar and Puan Hasmanira. 

We were divided into a few groups. My group consists of 10 members, which is Jaden Tan (the leader), Sonia Mancxia, Darshiini Vig, Nurina Aida, Christina Ng, Chester Sim, Cedric, Jerry, Wai Loon, and myself. 


On the day we arrived at Janda Baik, we were given a short brief from Ms Delliya. Soon after the briefing, we were asked to check-in to our rooms & the adventure begins (HAHA).

The first task was to observe the site, then to choose a site for our project. We have to measure exactly 10x10m of our site. 

Picture of Our Site

On the evening, we played two games arranged by the February intake students.
The games were the Human Centipede & the Biggest Animal That Can Float.
I don't want to brag, but just to let y'all know *drumrolls*,
We made a stringray for the second game, and to be honest, it never slipped in our mind that we will win those two games.


We rode a lorry to a place where the excitement went up to the point you could never imagine (I exaggerated that)
"Who's up for a raft making challenge?"
Sadly, we didn't won. But here's some pictures; for your eyes only!


We have to cheer for our group, which is totally impossible cause we're future architects. We ain't that cherry cherry pom-pom girls cheering football teams with their pom-pom doing herkie!


More site observations, and measurements, and sketches, and more observations, and video recording stuffs, and MORE!
After that stressful session, we head back to Taylor's University with tiredness but also with joyfulness.
I enjoyed the trip, and I've learned a lot through this trip. 

So here's a picture of my groupmates....

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For this site visit, we have to really work as a team and think together on what we are supposed to do. Besides than that, we have to really think out of the box on what details the lecturer wants.

TGC logoSince this is our first trip after orientation week, we barely knew each other. But then, communication skills comes in where we communicate a lot to know each other very well, and also to divide the task to every group members so that any one of us would not feel left out. 

The Journal #01

For this assignment, I have been asked to do a journal and a research based on the topic given.

I have chosen tornado as my research study. 
I have to investigate on : 

1. What is actually tornado?
2. When does it happens?
3. How does it happens?
4. Types of tornadoes
5. How does this affect the humans?
6. Safety & precautions

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By doing this assignment, it has opened up my mind and started thinking on these things. What if these natural disasters happen to us? It also made me realize that I need to appreciate more.

TGC logoIt is a lifelong learning process as by doing this assignment, I found out the symptoms of natural disasters, where it happens, when it happens and so much more. It also made me read all those articles about natural disasters.

Project One : Nature

For this assignment, we are tasked to do:

A documentary video regarding this topic
10 A2-sized infographic pop up poster 
A scrapbook journal

For the documentary video, we have to make a video of us experiencing the nature. It is all based on our site trip in Janda Baik. As well as the boards, we have to use any elements we found on our trip there, and turn it into an infographic pop up posters. 

The Documentary Video

The Infographic Pop Up Posters

The Scrapbook Journal

This assignment has taught me not to do things at the very last minute. As for this assignment, we as group had to juggle time between this assignment and the others. We also had to discipline ourselves to give full effort in doing this assignment.

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This assignment is a group work so we had to work as a team to get this job done. We have been through a lot throughout the process of completing this task.

The Journal #02

For this assignment, we have to do a journal on conserving nature. Basically we had to do research and choose on one thing to elaborate regarding conserving the nature. 

TGC logoFor this assignment, we had to do research on conserving nature. It has taught me the knowledge I've never really wanted to do research on. I found out that there is so many living things that are about to extinct. 

TGC logoSince I had to do a lot of research, the internet has helped me a lot on finding information for this assignment. Rather than just have the information, I had to double check if its the correct information to be written in my journal.

The Journal #03

We are tasked to go to Kuala Lumpur for this assignment. There are 3 choices given of the places we could go. Therefore, I chose to go to Jalan Bukit Bintang as I am quite familiar with the place. Besides than that, there are a lot of elements that I could use as my 5 senses experience.

TGC logoFor this task, I had to decide on the places to go. We had to be there as long as we could so that we can feel all of the 5 senses in the places we chose. 

TGC logoAs for the 5 senses, I had to really focus on what I want to put in my journal. I had to feel the 5 senses myself so that whatever I put in this journal, it is based on my experience and not just what I google on the internet.

The Final Project

For this final project, we are tasked to plan a new town, a better livable town. There are two parts for this project which is: 

Part A ( individual) - An A4 report and a short 3-minutes slide presentation. The report is a proposal on the new town

Part B (group work) - we are asked to build a model for the chosen town and to present a presentation board that contains every details of our model

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