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Introduction to Design

Introduction to Design is a five credit hours subject that is led by Ms Delliya along with Ms Norma as well as Ms Anna.

The Journal : One

For the first journal, we are tasked to choose one character and to buy a miniature lego of the selected toy character. Based on that character, we are needed to create a journal on understanding the character of the toy. We have to explain on what is their characteristics and personality traits, their history or any backgrounds, the concept as well as aim of the character through doodling and sketches. I have chosen Wonder Woman.

Below are my journal one. 

The Journal : Two

For the second journal, we are tasked to explore the keywords from their characteristics or personality traits. Then, we needed to selected three best keywords to be explained more in depth. I have chosen the word bold, youthful and attractive for my character which is Wonder Woman. Based on the three keywords, we are then asked to come up with one artwork from each word.

Below are my journal two. 

The Journal : Three

For the third journal, we are tasked to do research on what a display box is since our last project are determined by the journals. We are to come up with designs or ideas of the display box by exploring design elements and principles through the selected keywords. Use certain design elements and principles to present your character.

Below are my journal three. 


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From this assignment, I have learn to be discipline to get this journals done as they need to be submitted once in three weeks. I have to also learn on how to juggle time between getting these journals done, as well as other assignments as some of them has the same week of submission with these journals. This has taught me to plan well, and manage the time well in order to get everything         
                       done for the week. 

TGC logoI needed to brainstorm and do a lot of research on the toy character that I have chosen so that it is easy for me to start with the journals. I had to think on what to be written in the journals based on the criteria marks. I also needed to come up with three artworks for the second journal that are related to the design elements and principles as well as the keyword chosen from the character itself. 

TGC logoBesides than just learning on how to come up with the best journal, I have also learned on the toy character that I have chosen. Other than that, I learn on how to relate the design elements and principles into creating something that is new and something that has to be related to my toy character. These journals has helped me a lot.

Assignment One A : 9 sketches

For this particular assignment, we needed to go for a site visit in Melaka. There, we are to capture any design elements and sketch our findings, understanding and interpretation of basic design elements on an A5 artblock paper. 

There are guidelines given on what we needed to sketch. The guidelines consists of lines, shapes (organic shapes), texture, form, and hue in nature. Besides than that, lines, shapes, texture, form as well as value in built environment. Lastly, we needed to produce one abstract artwork in A4 size. 

Below are my boards and sketches for this assignment. 

 Assignment One B : 2-Dimension Artwork

For this second assignment, in a group of four people, we are to choose one daily item from the selection given, and produce nine artworks from that particular object and along with that, we need to come up with two presentation boards. We have chose the paper clips as our daily items. There are a lot of types and sizes of paper clips and we get to choose only one type, size and colour. For tutorial, each of us need to come up with nine sketches of ideas on how to create the artwork. We have to do research and know what is the strong characteristics of this object. From there, we get to create the artwork and we needed to apply the design elements and principles. 

For the presentation boards, we have to explain thoroughly on why we choose to do such design and such elements/principles. On the presentation day, we were to present to the panels and judges on the concepts and our artworks. 

The nine artwork + The Presentation Boards

My group mates

 Assignment Two A : 3-Dimension Artwork

For this third assignment, in a group of four people, have to come up with ten 3-dimensional artworks with a given word. Our given word was EXAGGERATING. Every week there will be a tutorial. Each week with different tasks. On the first week, we are to create three models by using model boards and sandwich boards only. Based on the models, our respective tutor will select the best one to be carried to the next week.

My group's work.

On the following week, we are to make another two of the same chosen model, to be colored. It is for us to explore with warm, cool and neutral colours and choose the best colours for the models. The criteria was one of the models has to be monochromatic, one with warm colours and one with cool colours. We are allowed to use up to four colours for each models. 

And for the last tutorial, we have to explore with materials and make the models with different kind of materials. Not just model boards. But at the end, right before the submission we decided to change to other design that looks more exaggerated in its design. 

Our Final Boards + Models

 Assignment Two B : Display Box

For this final assignment, it is based on our journal. We had to choose one toy character and make a journal out of it. As for the last journal, we had to come up with design ideas on the display box. The display box is 15x15 cm and we have to create design ideas within that display box. Everything has to relate to the word chosen from the character's characteristics and also has to relate with design elements and principles. 

For my toy character, Wonder Woman, I have chosen the keyword BOLD for the display box. I have used the colour red and gold as they are the colours of boldness. Besides than just creating the display box, we have to come up with three presentation boards complete with all the information needed for the panels, as well as other people to understand our intention and ideas on creating the display box. 

The Display Box

The Presentation Boards


Introduction to Design subject has helped me a lot in creating new design and come up with new ideas for the assignments. The last project was really fun and it was the best ending for this course as well as this subject itself. I want to thank all of the lecturers for guiding and helping me through this semester. It was a fun and memorable experience to cherish forever. 

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It was a life-long learning as I get to carry forward my experience and the brainstorming/generating ideas process to the next level which is in degree. This subject has helped a lot on hands-on stuff, like making the models, the 2D as well as 3D artworks. 

TGC logoThinking and generating ideas are part of design skills. This subject has polished them well and prepared me to go for the next level. I have learnt that the thinking process plays an important role in the design industry.



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