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Social Psychology

Psychology Journal #1

For this particular assignment, we have to choose either one or more psychology concept that has been explained to us in class by our lecturer to make a short essay. It is to explain our understanding on the chosen concepts. 

I have chosen the concept schema and heuristics for my journal. I have explained both concepts in detail in the journal. 

Below are my journal for this first assignment: 

Psychology Journal #2

For this particular assignment, we have to elaborate on stereotype, prejudice and persuasion concept that has been briefly explained in class by our lecturer. We are tasked to do a short essay/journal for the concepts. I have explained all of the concepts in detail as well as short example in the journal. 

Below are my journal for this first assignment: 

Psychology Comic Strip 

For this assignment, which is the comic strip, we are allowed to do it individually or in pairs. I have paired up with my friend, Nurina to do this comic strip. We are tasked to choose one social concepts that has been taught in class to translate our understanding into a comic strip. 

We have chosen the concept of self-serving bias. It is a very interesting yet simple concept that we can relate to almost anything. The definition of self-serving bias is the common human tendency to attribute to one's successes to personal characteristics and traits, and to attribute one's failures to factors beyond one's control. The reason why people tend to personalize success is because it helps to boost their self-esteem levels. Most people demonstrate this behavior on a regular basis.

We decided to do a comic strip on a girl that is very proud and arrogant and thinks that she gets good grades in her examination is because of her personality traits and her characteristics. But when she failed the test, she blames it on the teacher for being too strict on marking her paper. 

Psychology Final Project

For this last assignment, in a group of six people, we are tasked to create a space and design based on our chosen psychology concept. Based on that, we have chosen the concept of prosocial behavior. But on top of that, we relate the prosocial behavior to four different concepts which is schema, attribute, stereotype as well as discrimination. 

We are also needed to make a report based on the design and the concepts. As for the design, we have to draw it in a mahjong paper together with descriptions and labels. Then, we are tasked to do a 10-15 minutes video presentation regarding the design and concepts. 

The Verbal Presentation 

The Report

The Design and Layout


In my opinion, social psychology subject needs to be implemented to all students from various courses so that they can apply these concepts in their daily lives. This also adds up to the level of knowledge that they have. It is always best to learn something new. When I first heard about this subject, I never thought that it can relate to any architectural part. But I was proven wrong at the last project where we are needed to design one new space or building by using the psychology concepts. Little did I know that all of those rooms and spaces were created for some specific psychology reasons. This subject is very fun yet interesting to learn about especially with the guide from our dearest lecturer, Ms Norul Hidayah.

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Based on this subject, I can relate a lot of things with the social psychology concepts. For example schema, we taught our mind and self to do basic routine by ourselves without people guiding us. Besides than that, social psychology is a very basic concept of  understanding that each one of us needs to know so that we can apply those concepts in our daily lives. 

TGC logoFrom this subject, I have learned all of the concepts that I need to know so that I can apply it in the near future. Other than that, I would be able to communicate with other people using those psychology terms and I could explain and spread the knowledge to other people that does not know about any of the psychology concept.

TGC logoOur dearest lecturer has explained to us about every single concepts. So we have to be creative and think on what example or situation that we can relate to a specific concepts. Especially for the journals. We also need to master the concepts really well to be able to relate one concept to another for the last project, 


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