Assignment #1 ; The Process Essay
As for the first assignment, we are tasked to write a process essay on "How To Produce An Attractive Sketch". This assignment is 25% marks and it is an individual task.
This assignment evaluates academic writings skills on a basic five paragraph of an argumentative essay. It also evaluates the student's ability on doing research information to support those arguments proposed in the specific essay. Besides than just that, it also teaches us on how to do proper citation of the sources of the information.
First Page |
Second Page |
Third Page |
Fourth Page |
Reflection :
For this particular assignment, I did a lot of research on process essay writing as I am not familiar with it. Writing essays in university is much more harder than secondary schools. Besides than that, I have to juggle time between other assignments to get everything done in time. So I have to make sure, I prioritize what is important and finish it up without delaying. Lastly, by doing this process essay, I have to think a lot and use my creativity and imagination to get this essay done
Thinking and Problem Solving Skills |
Dicipline Specific Knowledge |
Life-Long Learning |
Assignment #2 ; The Oral Presentation
For this particular assignment, we are divided into a group of five to present an oral presentation. The topic is about the "Future City". We are required to present for 25 to 30 minutes. For this presentation, we need to include the water & waste management, security, tourism & hospitality, transportation, energy management and disaster relief.
My group members for this oral presentation is Sonia Mancxia, Ilhami Ibrahim (myself), Nurina Aida, Ameer Farhan and Ong Seng Peng.
Reflection :
By doing this presentation, we (as a group) communicates well with each other and also to the other classmates. Other than that, I also did learn on how to produce a better and understandable slideshow for this semi-formal presentation. Lastly, I gained courage and strength to deal with the nervous feeling before starting the presentation.
Communication Skills |
Interpersonal Skills |
Digital Literacy |