The First Project
It is our very first project for this subject. My tutorial lecturer for this subject is Puan Hasmanira. In a group of 7, we are tasked to do research on roles and responsibilities of a specific work field. We then have to present the information in two A2 boards.
Above is our presentation board
We had to think creatively in order to make this presentation board so that it is presentable and nice. Besides than that, a presentation board should be easy to understand by anyone who looks at it.
As a group, we had to communicate well and distribute the work evenly. It is also a time for us to get to know each other besides than getting the job done since it is our first project together.
The Construction Team
For this particular assignment, in a group, we are asked to choose randomly one occupation that is in the construction industry. Then we had to interview them, make a video regarding the interview and also a magazine. As for my group, we got the occupation of developer.